About support options

I had an uncomFortable sexual experience. I am confused about what I experienced and I’m not sure if I want to make a complaint. 我该怎么办??

A good first step is to meet with the 第九条协调员, who can explain your options and help you connect with support resources. The 第九条协调员 will keep all inFormation private. Meeting with the 第九条协调员 does not mean you have to take any additional steps.

Another option is to seek support at Student Health and Counseling. 法律上有 confidential counselors 在校园 who can help you process your experience, without ever labeling it For you. With counseling you may be able to sort through your confused feelings, more clearly understand your experience, and be able to discuss all the options available to you, so you can make decisions that work For you.

Who can I speak with confidentially?

Student Health and Counseling counselors and the College Chaplains are the only completely confidential resources 在校园. Most other College employees (faculty, staff, and some peer leaders) are required to submit a Community Concern Form when they are inFormed about sexual misconduct.

Can I file a complaint with the college and also with the police?

是的, you may file a complaint with the college through the GG电子官方软件下载 complaint process and with the Northfield police at the same time. The college will handle the internal complaint as outlined in our process. 然而, sexual assault is a crime, and because the college wants to be sure that any criminal activity is handled by the proper authorities, we encourage any student who feels that they are a victim of sexual assault to take all necessary steps to file a criminal complaint, 太. Internal and external complaints can proceed at the same time.

About submitting a community concern Form (CCF)

How long after an incident can I submit a community concern Form or file a complaint?

There is no time limit For submitting a Community Concern Form or 提出投诉. As long as the potential respondent is still a member of the GG电子官方软件下载 community, the college can take action on a complaint.

If you have experienced sexual misconduct but are not sure if you want to report, or you are not yet ready to do so, 考虑 保留证据 that may be relevant to the case. Texts, emails, phone messages, and clothing, among other things, can all be relevant evidence. While you should take the time you need to decide whether you want to come Forward, it can be more difficult to pursue a complaint if a substantial amount of time has passed and evidence has disappeared or memories have faded.

Can alumni submit a report of sexual misconduct?

校友 who would like inFormation about making a report of sexual misconduct may email GG电子官方软件下载的 第九条协调员 at TitleIX@dh865.com或 submit a community concern Form.

校友 may submit a report to the 第九条协调员 at any time. The 第九条协调员 is also available to consult with alumni regarding available options.


Can I get academic 住宿 if this is impacting my ability to do school work?

是的, it is possible to request academic 住宿 (e.g., extensions to academic deadlines) if you are experiencing difficulty because of a sexual misconduct incident. You do not need to be involved in an adjudicated hearing process to request 住宿. Please talk with the 第九条协调员 if you would like to request academic 住宿.


Housing 住宿 are available For students involved in a sexual misconduct complaint process. A student does not have to go through an adjudicated hearing process to request a housing accommodation. If you are interested in talking about housing 住宿 after an incident of sexual misconduct, 联系 第九条协调员.

About the involvement of alcohol and/or drugs

What if I was drinking when I was assaulted or harassed?

GG电子官方软件下载的 Policy Against Sexual Misconduct includes an amnesty provision For students who provide inFormation about alcohol or drug use in a sexual misconduct case. That means that inFormation about alcohol or drug use that comes to light during a sexual misconduct investigation will not be referred For disciplinary action.

除了, the Northfield Police will not cite a person For underage consumption if a sexual assault has occurred. The focus will be on caring For the complainant as needed, not on alcohol use.